Multiple waiting list

There are still ways to help decrease your wait time even if you don’t have a living donor. Another option is being listed on multiple transplant waiting lists at two or more centers. The United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) has a really in depth resource available here. Being listed in multiple places helps by giving you access to more kidneys than are available to just your transplant center. Each transplant center gives first priority to those closest to their center, but being on the list could get you a transplant sooner if local candidates with the same amount of wait time aren’t good candidates for a donor organ. It is up to the individual center, if you are able to be added to their listing and some centers won’t accept patients who are listed elsewhere.[1] Please also note that some insurance options will not cover the expenses of additional evaluations at new transplant centers.

Your primary wait time will still remain as the longest that you have waited at any clinic, however each additional new center will start the day you are listed there. For example if you have already waited a year at your center and decide that you want to get listed at a new center you would have one year of primary wait time and your new center would start at day one. You do have the option to switch your wait times if you want your new center to have the year of wait time credited and your old center to start at day one. Also, you can just transfer your wait time to a new center. The one thing you can’t do is add your wait times together. Being listed at multiple clinics is not a guarantee that you will get a kidney sooner. This option does give you a chance to reduce your time though.

While you are waiting it is important to keep your center up to date and let them know of any major medical changes. You will work with your current medical team to keep your testing up to date and you will have at least annual appointments with your transplant center.


[1] United Network for Organ Sharing. Questions and Answers for Transplant Candidates about Multiple Listing and Waiting Time Transfer. Retrieved from